Problems>Solutions>Innovations - - Lyn Buchanan's CRV

A well-formed question to a psychic

A well-formed question to a psychic is formed in a manner which first tasks the viewer’s or psychic’s subconscious mind with a problem, then immediately gives the viewer’s or psychic’s conscious mind something to do, in order to keep it out of the way. As such, it is always formed in two parts. The first part is the task to the subconscious and the second part is a present-tense directive to the viewer’s or psychic’s conscious mind, tasking him/her with performing a specific conscious-minded task. This helps increase the accuracy rate of both CRVer, practitioner of any other remote viewing methodologies, and natural psychic alike, and should always be used in tasking any psychic question.

See also, "midloading", "backloading".and "A well-formed question to a psychic".EExamples of well-formed questions to a psychic are:

  • "The target is a location. Describe the location."

  • "Move 100 feet above the target. Now, tell me what you are seeing."

  • "Mentally touch the target. Tell me its temperature."

  • "Mentally turn around at the site. Report what you are seeing now."

  • See also, "midloading", "backloading".and "A well-formed question to a psychic".As you can see, each question has two parts. The first part is something the conscious mind cannot perform. The second is a task it can perform, and is always couched in present time. The present tense of this second part is very important, as the conscious mind works best in present tense. Such questions as, "Tell me what happened 100 years ago at the site." cause the viewer or psychic to begin analyzing the past in terms of his preconceived notions about it, stereotypes of it, and so on. But the question, "Move 100 years back in time. Now, tell me what is going on there." cause the viewer to simply begin reporting what the subconscious sees happening at the site.